FLO Harley Davidson Foot Pegs - the Best Pegs for HD Bikes!

Our Harley Davidson foot pegs are made from highest quality Aluminum Alloy. Flo footpegs are designed to provide every rider more comfort. We’ve tested our products using a hydraulic press to ensure they are highly effective and reliable, so we are confident that our Harley Davidson pegs are tough to resist force. When it comes to adjustability, our HD pegs are equipped with original reversible collar system which allows our foot pegs to operate in the standard position thus allowing the rider to take full control of the traction level, soles impact as well as foot freedom for what seems to be precise and how they ride their bike.

With adjustable bolts, Harley riders can set the extent of inward tilt, to increase their comfort or to keep themselves in a good position for holding the bike when riding. FLO Harley Davidson foot pegs Cleats (teeth) are made from high-quality, anti-corrosion stainless steel and offer the best grip. The teeth threaded and fully replaceable. The foot peg can be adjusted to offer the rider the best riding experience.

Benefits of Upgrading your HD Bike's Footpegs with our Harley Pegs

Quite often, you possibly will not understand what's missing until you upgrade to a new pair of pegs with sharper teeth and wider platform. The most common reasons why motorists keep on replacing their foot pegs include; no grip, too small or narrow peg, weight reduction among several other reasons.

Our footpegs for Harley have individual teeth which are less susceptible to failure and deterioration and can be replaced. Our pegs also come with an original adjustable system which allows you to adjust the foot pegs in different positions giving you a suitable option for enjoying the appropriate comfort level for your riding style. Additionally, our Harley Davidson foot pegs can be installed effortlessly and they are highly durable as a result, they last for many years.